Inspectors assessed the school as very good for raising attainment and achievement and good for learning teaching and assessment during a recent visit. They singled out a number of key strengths including: the strong leadership provided by the Headteacher and senior team in showing a clear direction for school improvement; the robust use of data to support achievement and attainment; and the whole school approach to improving health and wellbeing.
To further improve inspectors indicated that the school should continue to work on: developing approaches to differentiation to ensure young people have appropriate pace and challenge in their learning; and continuing to ensure that the curriculum allows young people to progress to the highest levels of attainment and achievement.
Whitburn Academy Headteacher Tracey Loudon said: "We are delighted that Education Scotland Inspectors have recognised the success being achieved by our hard-working pupils, supported by a team of dedicated staff, parents and carers, and the wider Whitburn community. "As a school we are delighted that the inspection team recognised the range of success that our school has recently achieved. "As well as our excellent exam results, we have achieved national recognition for our work in Health and Wellbeing, for which we won the CoSLA award for Tackling Inequalities and Improving Health. We were also winners of the First Minister's Reading Challenge Inspiration Award, in recognition for our work in Literacy. Both these awards demonstrate the school's commitment and success in closing the equity gap through Pupil Equity Funding."
"As Headteacher I am immensely proud of our achievements and would like to thank all of those who work hard every day, contributing to the great work that goes on in our school. As a community we will now look to build on this success, ensuring that all of our young people achieve their full potential." Executive councillor for education David Dodds added: "Congratulations to everyone at Whitburn Academy on this very positive inspection report from Education Scotland. "It's clear that Whitburn Academy is continuing to improve all the time, and is playing a major role in ensuring its young people have the best possible opportunities in life."