01 February
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NHS Lothian is co-ordinating the Covid vaccination programme across the Lothians. 

Vaccinations are being rolled out in line with priorities and timescales set out by the government and the West Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) has been supporting the programme by running staff vaccination clinics throughout December and January.  In addition to the staff programme, the vaccination programme has been concentrating on vaccinating as many residents as possible in West Lothian care homes.   

Depute Chief Executive of West Lothian Council said, Allister Short said:

"The first phase of the programme is centred around protecting the most vulnerable people and significant progress has been made in that area.

"All care home residents who are able to be vaccinated at this time, and have accepted the offer, have received their first vaccine. In addition, the programme for long stay hospital-based patients aged over 80 with complex clinical care needs is now complete. 

"Staff have been encouraged to take the vaccine to protect themselves and our most vulnerable residents and many frontline health and social care staff have now received their first vaccine, including those working in care homes; uptake has been very positive.

"This is a significant milestone and we have made very good progress.  

"We continue to work directly with our care homes to promote staff uptake and we are arranging follow up clinics for any care home staff members who can and wish to be vaccinated." 

Executive councillor for Health and Care, Harry Cartmill said:

"Locally, good progress in vaccinating the groups of people currently eligible has been made, and our teams continue to work with our colleagues in NHS Lothian to roll out the vaccination programme to the wider population. 

"Overall we are at the beginning of a long and complex process but the figures within our care homes for both staff and residents is encouraging. Thank you to all those who have enabled this piece of work to reach so many people."