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The Town Centre Fund provides an opportunity for prospective projects to apply for a share of funding to go towards enhancing the local community. A significant amount of money is being spent within each council ward area, shared out among local projects.  The total Town Centre fund for all of West Lothian this year is £1.826million. Those towns with populations with over 1,000 residents were eligible for funding.  Over £138,000 is being invested in the Livingston North ward:  Some examples of where the funding has been awarded include:


Eliburn: Improving Town Centre and Making Playparks Inclusive.   Carmondean: Underpass and Bus Shelter Art Project and Wifi.   Deans: Livingston Local Centres Refurbishment. Knightsridge: Inclusive Playground and Mosswood Regeneration. Livingston Village / Kirkton:  Re-turning the Wheel and Livingston Mill

For a full list of the projects visit: https://coins.westlothian.gov.uk/coins/viewDoc.asp?c=e%97%9Dh%91m%7F%8B