09 March
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A recent meeting of West Lothian Council's Development Management committee voted to grant the application, on the casting vote of the chair after the vote was tied.  Persimmon Homes applied to build the 48 homes on the 1.55ha greenfield site between Hartwood Road and Burngrange Park, which is allocated for housing in the West Lothian Local Development Plan.  Planning officers recommended granting the application, as it complied with all the appropriate planning legislation.

The application resulted in 112 objections, including one from West Calder and Harburn Community Council. The main reasons for objecting included: the impact on traffic and road safety; pressure on local infrastructure such as health, education and cemeteries; concerns of flooding and drainage; and ground stability issues because of former mining activities.

The decision was continued from the December meeting of the Development Management Committee to allow the applicant to supply further reports on gas emissions and possible subsidence relating to historic shale mining in the area, and traffic issues around the site.  The committee, after considering the new information and representations from members of the local community, took a decision to grant planning permission, subject to the developer paying for road improvements and contributions for schools and public art.