Council Executive has approved proposals to make changes to the Citizens Panel ahead of a new Quality of Life survey in summer 2020. The Citizens Panel was set up in 1999 through the West Lothian Community Planning Partnership (CPP) to help identify people's views on aspects of living on West Lothian. It currently has around 2,700 members and gives a fair representation of West Lothian's population, although some groups are under-represented.
It is hoped to recruit around 600 new panel members to refresh the membership and allow more people from under-represented groups, such as young people, social tenants and the black and minority ethnic (BME) community, to get involved. A significant number of panel members will be retired to allow space for new members and allow the panel to be slimmed down to an optimal level of around 1,800 to 2,000.
Leader of West Lothian Council Lawrence Fitzpatrick said: "The West Lothian Citizens Panel carries out a valuable role in making sure the views of the community are heard. "This refresh is designed to make the panel more representative of West Lothian's population and increase the engagement with the Quality of Life survey. "Thanks to all those who given their time to take part in the Citizens Panel, your work is invaluable in making sure West Lothian Council and our community planning partners understand the views of local residents better."
Engage Scotland will carry out the work to refresh the Citizens Panel and conduct the Quality of Life survey on behalf of the council.