24 June
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During the lockdown, Building Services continued to deliver essential services to tenants, including emergency critical repairs including gas repairs, work in void properties, reduced enhanced estates management service to communal blocks and the completion of gas services.  The service will now be able to recommence work including the completion of existing routine repairs and the resumption of the enhanced estates management service amongst other pieces of work. Building Services employees and contractors will continue to follow the strict guidelines and protocols from the Scottish Government and NHS Inform when completing work.

In preparation for the return of housing repairs, the Building Services team will be contacting tenants who had previously reported routine repairs before the 23rd of March 2020 to find out whether these repairs are still required.  A further update will be provided to tenants wishing to report any new routine repairs.  Tenants should continue to report emergency repairs to the council's Customer Service Centre on 01506 280000

The full update from Building Services is available via the West Lothian  Council website -  

Executive councillor for services for the community George Paul said: "Following the updated national guidance in relation to construction, Building Services can now start to look at resuming a number of non-essential repairs or planned upgrades the properties of tenants where physical distancing can be maintained. It may not be possible to carry out all activities at this initial stage and that it may take longer than usual to carry out more non-essential work. Tenants will be asked to follow social distancing guidelines when Building Services employees, or our contractors visit your home. It is important that the guidance is appropriately followed by all to ensure everyone is kept safe.