29 June
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Playparks in West Lothian have re-opened but parents and children are being asked to wash their hands after using play equipment.

The change comes as part of Scotland's phase two recovery plan.  Play parks have remained closed due to the increased risk of transmission via surfaces such as playground equipment.

Executive councillor for the Environment, Tom Conn said: "Our play inspectors have completed an inspection of all the non-school play areas to ensure they are safe and to remove glass etc.

"We are pleased that we're now able to reopen the parks in line with the guidance provided. However we would like to re-iterate the message that children and parents should wash their hands after using play equipment, ideally using hand sanitiser. We will not be sanitising equipment as it is not practical and would require a constant presence at 225 play parks at all play areas which is impossible for us to do. We'd ask children and adults to continue to take safe and practical steps when using our parks."

Although parks are now open, social distancing guidance should be maintained at all times within park areas.