West Lothian Council has been contacted by more than 20 registered electors from Seafield asking it for a community council to be established for the area.
Arrangements are now underway to invite nominations for election to the community council from anyone wishing to get involved.
If you are would like to join the new community council you can find further information on the application process online via the West Lothian Council website: Community Councils (opens new window)
Your name and address, as well as those of your proposer and seconder must appear in the electoral register for the Seafield area. Electoral Registration details will be added when your nomination is received by the Returning Officer.
The closing date for submission of nomination forms is 5pm on Thursday 17th September 2020.
A minimum of 4 nominations must be received by the deadline in order to allow the community council to be set up. If there are more than 18 nominations, an election may be necessary.
If you have any questions, please contact Lorraine McGrorty on 01506 281609 or by email to lorraine.mcgrorty@westlothian.gov.uk