The key item of this support is in the provision of a top-up kit of essential PPE for shopkeepers, designed to help them operate in accordance with Government guidelines and make it safer for their staff and customers alike. This will be backed up with a Shop Local - Shop Safercampaign in November/December.
This support scheme will temporarily join other grants that BUTA administers to traders seeking support in setting up or improving their premises covering the following:-
- Shop Front Improvements,
- Security Improvements,
- Solid Bare Metal Roller Shutter Replacement
- New Business Grant
Gordon Allan, chairperson, BUTA said: ""We believe this special scheme will ensure we are continuing to provide support to our local shops when they most need it and help ensure our local shops are made as safe as possible giving people the confidence to visit them again, shop local - shop safer"
Full details of the second phase COVID-19 Re-opening Support Scheme can be found at www.buta.org.uk/cv19kit2.htm