"The move to Level 3 is a welcome one but the latest data and evidence seems to support West Lothian being placed in Level 2.
"Representations were made to the Depute First Minster and Scottish Government on that basis and it is disappointing for all of West Lothian that is not the outcome.
"West Lothian Council has always been supportive and encouraged local people to comply with the guidelines, and we will continue to reinforce the message that the guidance should be followed. Everyone should adhere to the guidelines and help protect yourself and those around you."
He added:
"At the time of being placed in Level 4, and at each review since, West Lothian met the data-based criteria for Level 3. However, the latest data available that the council has from the Scottish Government shows that 4 out of 5 of the indicators should put West Lothian in Level 2, and the one indicator that puts indicates Level 3 can be explained.
"Level 2 would certainly have been welcomed particularly by the hospitality, retail and leisure sectors of the economy.
"The council obviously understand that the Scottish Government need to find the right balance - but throughout this terrible pandemic the Scottish Government and Health officials have said that we need to follow the science and the data available. If that is still the approach then the data in front of us at the current time would support West Lothian being placed in Level 2 - however they obviously disagree and have taken their decision."