The council supports the Fairtrade scheme, which aims to make sure that disadvantaged producers in the developing world are getting a fair deal for their produce.
West Lothian is a Fairtrade zone, with groups running in a number of towns and villages, and Linlithgow recently renewing their status as a Fairtrade town.
Fairtrade fortnight take place from Monday 22 February to Friday 7 March 2021 with a theme of climate change and the impact it has on the most vulnerable communities.
Due to covid-19 restrictions, all of this year's event are online so please visit Scottish Fairtrade Forum (opens new window) for more details or email fairtrade@westlothian.gov.uk (opens new window).
Executive councillor for the environment Tom Conn added: "West Lothian has a strong tradition of supporting Fairtrade, with a number of active local groups and individuals.
"Livingston's Andy Mount was honoured recently by the Fairtrade Foundation for all his work to promote Fairtrade in West Lothian over the years.
"Unfortunately, we are unable to host any events this year, but I would encourage West Lothian residents to support Fairtrade and help support producers in the developing world.
"I know many of us already buy Fairtrade tea, coffee and bananas, but there are lots more ways we can play our part at www.scottishfairtradeforum.org.uk (opens new window)."