09 March
Livingston North Partnership Centre

The new Partnership Centre has seen West Council invest over £1million to redevelop the existing Carmondean Ability Centre.

The facility will include a number of services such as the Ability Centre Support Service and The Supported Employment Service.

Community meeting space will be available and MacMillan Cancer Support will also be located in the new building.

The Library in Carmondean will also relocate into the converted building, and there will be a Customer Information Service.

The location of the Partnership Centre is Carmondean Centre South, next to local amenities and the railway station.

The majority of internal works have now been completed with some walls in the existing building knocked down to create more floorspace which services will be able to take full advantage of once the building opens.

Some external works are still to take place but full completion on the project is anticipated in the near future.

Details around the opening of the Partnership Centre will be announced pending completion of construction and once coronavirus restrictions are relaxed to an appropriate level.

Depute executive councillor for culture and leisure, Cathy Muldoon said: "Despite the pandemic work has continued on many of the council's capital programme projects. Thanks to the hard work of all involved in this project, work is nearing completion and hopefully in the near future, we will be in a position that will allow for the Partnership Centre to open its doors and welcome the local community of the Livingston North area."