Eligible voters who wish to vote by post must make sure they submit a completed postal vote application form by the deadline of 5 pm on 6 April 2021.
New postal vote applications or changes to existing postal vote details must be made to the Electoral Registration Officer at Lothian Valuation Joint Board website at www.lothian-vjb.gov.uk or by sending complete applications to 17A South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9FL or calling 0131 344 2500.
Once you have submitted your application for a new postal vote or changes to your postal vote details you will be sent a ballot paper with instructions on how to mark your selection and how to make sure your completed ballot paper is returned by close of polls on Thursday 6 May 2021 to ensure your vote is counted.
Postal voters will be able to make use of Royal Mail's priority post box service when they are returning their completed ballot paper.
You can find the location of post boxes in your area offering this enhanced collection service by visiting the Royal Mail website - www.royalmail.com/priority-postboxes
Further information regarding voter registration deadlines is available via West Lothian Council's website at https://westlothian.gov.uk/scottish-parliament-election-2021