West Lothian residents whose brown bins are due to be collected on Friday 2 April should put their bins out on Sunday 4 April instead. Brown bins due on Monday 5 April should be put out for collection on Sunday 11 April instead.
All other collections, including blue and grey collection on Easter Monday and Good Friday are unchanged. Anyone who is unsure of their collection dates can check and register for emails reminder at Bin Collection Calendar Dates
The reduced staffing levels over holiday period means it is more likely that collections will be delayed, so residents are asked to put their bins out before 7am on the day of collection and leave them out until they are emptied.
For updates on collections, please visit Bin Collection Daily Updates
Executive councillor for the environment Tom Conn said: "I would urge local residents whose normal brown bin collection date is Friday or Monday to check if they are affected over Easter.
"Collections due on both these days has been put back to the following Sunday, either 4 or 11 April.
"With limited resources over the holiday weekend, we are prioritising collections of grey and blue bins to minimise both changes to the collection schedule and the impact on local residents."
All five of West Lothian's recycling centres will be open as normal over the Easter holiday weekend. For more details on locations and opening hours, please visit Community Recycling Centres