Council Executive has declared the council-owned outdoor activity centre surplus to requirements, after operators West Lothian Leisure notified the council of their intentions to stop delivering activities and close the centre in the next few months.
As the council does not require the Low Port Centre for the delivery of services, the building will go thought the council's approved Surplus Property Procedure.
This means the property will be appraised and marketed to judge potential commercial or community use for the building.
Leader of West Lothian Council Lawrence Fitzpatrick said: "We are aiming to find a new use for the Low Port Centre, now it is no longer required for the delivery of services by the council or West Lothian Leisure.
"In line with the council's Surplus Property Procedure, officers will now market the centre to see who may be interested in operating from Low Port.
"Potential options might include a community asset transfer, and a further report on interests will be reported to Council Executive."