19 May
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The former library property is located at 6-7 The Vennel, Linlithgow and is a standalone building within the Vennel courtyard.

The property was declared surplus to operational requirements by West Lothian Council following the relocation of library services to nearby Tam Dalyell House / Linlithgow Partnership Centre.

Council officers subsequently undertook an extensive marketing exercise for the vennel area which also included engagement with the local community to establish interest from groups to develop a proposal to create and manage a community resource hub within the former library building.

A meeting of West Lothian Council Executive has now granted approval for council officers to conduct property lease negotiations with the Linlithgow CDT which will act as the umbrella group co-ordinating access for any other groups looking to occupy the building.

As per the terms of the lease, the CDT is set to manage the process of running the venue as a community hub which will see local groups and businesses be able to take advantage of facilities such as flexible working spaces, break-out areas and a tool library.

West Lothian Council Leader Lawrence Fitzpatrick said: "Council Executive approves the letting to Linlithgow CDT on the terms set out within the report as they represent best value for the council. With the library relocated into the fantastic facility that is Tam Dalyell House (Linlithgow Partnership Centre) it is pleasing to see that the building will continue to serve local people, businesses and organisations of Linlithgow."