22 June
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The tree planting - or 'wee forest' - is part of the Queen's Green Canopy UK-wide tree planting initiative launched to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee due in 2022. All councils have been invited to propose a site and Nelson Park has been chosen as West Lothian's site by West Lothian's Council Executive today (Tuesday 22 June).  

Whilst the emphasis is on quality rather than quantity of trees, it is expected each council area will have one significant planting. The site at Nelson Park is very wet and boggy in places and the wetness of the 1.4ha site will determine which tree species are used such as willow and alder. As with any mass planting in urban area, a resource to litter pick will also be allowed for and the council has agreed to maintain the site in future.

Local school children, as well as associated scout and girlguides groups, and other local groups can be involved in the planting next year.