12 July
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The clinics will make it easier for people living and working in and around Craigshill to get their vaccine. 

The clinic will provide vaccinations to all adults over the age of 18. This includes both first and second doses.  Clinics will provide Moderna and Astra Zeneca vaccines only so will not be able to provide second doses of Pfizer.

The drop-in clinics will be available at:

  • Craigsfarm Community Hub, Maree Walk, Craigshill on Tuesday 13 July between 9-4pm
  • Almondbank Centre, Shiel Walk, Craigshill on Thursday 15 July between 9-4pm

Anyone over the age of 18, who have not yet had their first dose - for whatever reason - can attend  a drop-in clinic without an appointment, while those who are waiting for their second dose can turn up as long as they received their first injection of the COVID-19 vaccine at least eight weeks before.