Early indications show that the results from pupils across West Lothian's 11 secondary schools have improved across a number of key indicators at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Level 6, which includes Highers and equivalent qualifications.
This means it's been a ninth successive year of improvement for pupils across West Lothian Council schools.
Pupils across the local authority have the opportunity to undertake numerous courses from Maths to Mental Health and Wellbeing, either in their own schools or in conjunction with partners through the West Lothian Campus and at West Lothian College.
As well as National Qualifications, pupils have achieved National Progression Awards, HNCs, Skills for Work courses and Foundation Apprenticeships among others.
Executive Councillor David Dodds joined pupils at Broxburn Academy who were amongst many in West Lothian to successfully achieve a Level 5 Mental Health and Wellbeing Award among their qualifications.
Executive councillor for education, David Dodds, said: "Everyone across our school community must take a moment to congratulate themselves. There is no doubt the past year has been immensely challenging for every single person in our schools. From the pupils themselves, to teachers, to support staff and beyond, the resilience and ability to adapt to different ways of working this year has been incredible to witness.
"Parents, siblings and carers will have at some point had to take on support roles at some point when remote learning was in place. Their support cannot be underestimated and they have all played an incredible role in supporting pupils throughout this period when the world around us all seemed so uncertain.
"Their efforts have been rewarded and each and every qualification achieved by our pupils can play a significant role in positively impacting their future."