The programme and funding is part of a Scottish Government's Long-Term Unemployed Programme which was set up to tackle the increasing level of unemployed within this age range a result of the pandemic.
Industry specific and accredited training that will be undertaken during the opportunity. Opportunities will be created within key areas that are known to have skills gaps and current labour market opportunities. This will support the progression of people after the six moth opportunity has ended.
The programme is designed to offer paid work placements to people aged over 25 years old, who have been unemployed for over 12 months and have additional barriers to employment. In West Lothian, funding will be allow for the creation of 53 opportunities by March next year.
Executive councillor for development and transport, Cathy Muldoon said:
"Tackling unemployment remains a key priority for West Lothian Council and partners.
"Our Economic Development team has a great deal of experience working on other similar programme through the West Lothian Job Fund.
"Opportunities will be created within key areas that are known to have skills gaps and current labour market opportunities. This will support the progression of people after the six moth opportunity has ended.
She added:
"The additional resources are welcomed and will provide us with the means to create opportunities for clients who have found themselves disengaged and unemployed for a significant amount of time."
If you are unemployed and want support to access the opportunities to contact: access2employment@westlothian.gov.uk