There is a huge oversupply of early learning and childcare provision in West Lothian council facilities which has been caused by:
- Population changes, which is reducing demand for spaces in many council nursery and childcare facilities.
- Scottish Government has introduced 'funding follows the child' which means that parental choices have changed significantly with many parents now choosing to use their allocated nursery provision at private nursery providers in West Lothian, and childminders.
The council now has capacity for over 6,814 children in their nursery settings. This year, the council has an oversupply of 2,017 places, which is nearly 30% more than is needed to meet demand. The council's Head of Education, Greg Welsh, confirmed to Education Executive today that even with the potential closure of nine nurseries, the council would still have more than enough capacity to meet demand in each of the areas affected given the number of local alternative nurseries.
Executive councillor for Education, Andrew McGuire said: "Plans to close nine nurseries have not been approved today, but Education Executive has approved plans to begin consultation with parents and stakeholders on the planned reduction of nine nursery and early learning buildings, given the high number of surplus spaces within council nurseries. The proposed changes would see a Community Based Approach to nursery provision being put in place."
The report discussed at Education Executive this morning confirmed that concentrating resources within a small number of nurseries would improve the quality of nursery provision in the remaining nurseries, and within communities which already have multiple options for parents and young people.
It was also confirmed that the council would aim to deliver as much continuity as possible for parents, staff and young people should plans be approved at a later stage, specifically in relation to ensuring nursery staff and young people remain together should they move to an alternative council nursey.
Leader of West Lothian Council Lawrence Fitzpatrick said: "Councils receive 80% of our funding from the Scottish Government so we have no choice but to reduce spending and reduce some services. This is a clear example where we can continue to deliver important services but also work much more efficiently. I appreciate that some parents will not want to have their local nursery close but the council, like all councils, needs to change the way in which services are delivered and it is only right that officer look at options to address the fact that we have 30% more nursery space than is needed to meet demand."
Officers will move forward with steps to proceed with a statutory consultation to close these facilities, with nursery provision continuing to be provided at alternative nurseries within the same communities.
Before any closures can be considered, relevant steps would have to be undertaken, including consultation and dialogue with parents/carers at each facility. The consultation process will include online materials, email and public meetings within each of the individual nursery settings proposed for closure and information on the consultation will be sent to parents.
Officers also confirmed that these facilities would not close until August 2025 if the plans were to be agreed. The nine nurseries are listed below.
• Deans North Nursery School
• Fauldhouse Nursery Class
• Glenvue Nursery School
• Ladywell Nursery School
• Linlithgow Bridge Nursery Class
• St Anthony's Nursery Class, Armadale
• St Joseph's Nursery Class, Whitburn
• Bathgate West Nursery School (currently an inactive service)
• Our Lady's Nursery Class, Stoneyburn (currently an inactive service)