Each school year must include 190 teaching days.
The pattern of holidays changes every year for a number of reasons. Public holidays fall on a different day each year and this can affect the pattern of the school holidays, and the length of individual holidays. For this reason, it will always be necessary to have some flexibility on the pattern of school holidays.
The survey - which has been launched today - provides an opportunity for parents/carers to let us know what type of holiday pattern best suits your family. To make this easy we have provided three different options for you to choose from. The outcome of this consultation will be used to inform the draft term dates for 2026/27, and these will be shared with parent and pupil councils for any further comments in the new year.
We have a separate form for pupils, which individual schools can share with pupils.
The survey link will be sent to all parents/carers directly. If you receive the survey link, please complete it.