The majority of management committees have submitted a return giving their views on the options put forward to secure the long-term future of community facilities, including community centres and village halls.
The council has received a total of 29 submissions, many of which are very detailed and some putting forward alternative proposals for their centres.
West Lothian Council's Customer & Community Service Manager Ralph Bell said: "Huge thanks to all the management committees, who have put in a lot of work into their submissions.
"The council's key objective for the future remains to ensure that facilities remain open, under new operating arrangements.
"The current arrangements, where Management Committees receive all the income generated, while the council incur all of the costs, is clearly no longer affordable or sustainable as resources become even more limited."
He added:
"It's fantastic that we have so many dedicated volunteers who are committed to ensuring we have local facilities going forward, and are looking at new and innovate ways to do so.
"Every submission put forward by management committees will now be included in a report for elected members to consider.
"This will go through the council's usual governance process of scrutiny by council committees, and we will keep management committees informed as it goes through this process in the coming months."
Julie Whitelaw, Head of Housing, Customer & Building Services said: "People know that local services have changed and will continue to change given the lack of available funding. The council will do its best to deliver future services around the needs of local residents with the funding that we have available to us, but councils simply do not have enough funding to stand still and this is not something that we can ignore.
"We are looking to find a long term and sustainable way of working and ensure that the income generated in a community centre's funds the running costs of the centre itself.
"We do understand that this is a change for Management Committees but we need support from both the Management Committees, the centre users and the wider community to help us keep the centres open.
"Many of the committees that we've met with are fully understanding that we need to move towards a more sustainable way of working.
"We've been really encouraged that several Committees have already indicated to us that they are actively pursuing alternative options and we are now working with them to support and advise them on the next steps."
How do I find out more?
Should Management Committees and centre users wish to attend future Information Sessions or speak to us about how to move forward with new ways of working, council officers are happy to meet with them either as one group or on an individual basis. Visit: https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/communitycentres