The installation of the pedestrian crossings within West Lothian is funded by the Scottish Government through their Cycling, Walking and Safer Routes (CWSR) initiative: -
These programmes have been completed:
• A89 at Newhouses Road, Broxburn (Pedestrian refuge island)
• Murieston West Road, Livingston (Toucan crossing)
• Kirkton South Road, Livingston (Toucan crossing)
• Lower Bathville, Armadale (Zebra crossing upgrade)
• Hardhill Road, Bathgate (puffin crossing)
• Springfield Road, Linlithgow (puffin crossing)
• Church Street, Addiewell (Upgrade of zebra to puffin crossing)
• Calder Park Road, Mid Calder (dropped kerb crossing)
• Main Street, Mid Calder (puffin crossing)
• Preston Road, Linlithgow (puffin crossing)
• These projects are expected to be complete towards the end of March:
• North Street, Armadale (Puffin crossing)
• Main Street, East Whitburn (Pedestrian refuge island)
One of the new measures has recently been completed on Preston Road, between Linlithgow Primary School and St Joseph's RC Primary School.
Representatives from West Lothian Council met pupils from both Primary Schools to see how the Preston Road crossing is positively impacting on their school day.
In 2024 alone, nearly £2milllion of capital funding was invested in West Lothian's road network, with a further £620,000 spent on upgrading and maintaining public paths and over £2.7million invested in roads projects such as cycle paths and casualty reduction schemes.
Over £6million is proposed to be invested in roads, footways, street lighting, bridges and structures and flood prevention and drainage during 2025/26.
This includes £1.3 million on roads projects including Road Casualty Reduction schemes, Traffic signal improvements and active travel schemes.