Essential repair work for Livingston bridges
Six Livingston bridges are set to undergo vital maintenance work as part of a 10-week repair programme.
West Lothian day support service raises over £2,000 for good cause
A recent special fundraising day at Eliburn Support Services in Livingston is set to boost the Cash for Kids charity.
Recycling Centre changes approved
A reduction in the number of opening hours at West Lothian's Community Recycling Centres (CRCs) will be in place from September 2023.
West Lothian school improves environment for local community
The positive impact of pupils from Harrysmuir Primary in Livingston on their local community has been celebrated.
West Lothian community councils re-formed
Two Livingston community councils are set to be re-formed.
Livingston couple celebrate Platinum wedding anniversary
Congratulations to Murieston's Jimmy and Nancy Keenan on an amazing 70 years of wedded bliss.
Lanthorn Centre work progressing
Work to repair and re-open the Lanthorn Centre in Livingston is progressing.
LED lighting programme saves over £2 million per year
The ambitious programme to change all of West Lothian street lighting to energy efficient LED is nearly complete.
Help with costs - campaign launched
A campaign has been launched in West Lothian to provide local residents with cost of living advice
 Festive buses given green light
West Lothian Council has awarded a number of contracts to support the local commercial bus network during the festive period.
Have your say on budget reduction measures - survey open now
The council will shortly be launching a public consultation on a range of budget measures that aim to reduce spending, alter local services and address the council's budget gap.
New build facility for housing young people
West Lothian Council has approved the location for a new build housing facility for young people.